

Install Mouse Cursor Theme on GNOME

I also heart that there was one entry in 'Desktop - Preference - Mouse' which could select the X11 mouse theme to be apply for the gnome, but I can not fine such entry at least on Debian, etch.

I find a way to solve the cursor installation problem.
  1. After extracting the cursor theme package, place the theme folder under directory ~/.icons. The directory looks like '~/.icons/my_cursor/cursors'.
  2. Open gconf-editor and set key '/desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_theme' to the name of the new cursor theme (e.g. my_cursor).
  3. If you use another window manager or desktop environment rather than gnome, you need append a line like this in file ~/.Xdefaults:
  4. (Optional) the steps mentioned above is used for specific user, and for GDM greeter, you should place the cursor folder under /usr/share/icons/, and then edit the /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme like:
    [Icon Theme]
    Inherits = my_cursor
    'my_cursor' is the cursor theme's folder name under /usr/share/icons. Note: at present, not all cursor themes can be configured successfully in this step. Some cursor themes may make a GDM greeter program crash.
